Hi, for a 2011 Suzuki Swift 1.5 automatic that's run 110,000 km, here's what you might want to consider for maintenance to avoid getting ripped off:
1. **Oil Change**: Check and replace the engine oil and oil filter.
2. **Transmission Fluid**: Inspect and possibly replace the transmission fluid.
3. **Brake System**: Check the brake pads and brake fluid.
4. **Coolant**: Inspect the coolant level and top up or replace if necessary.
5. **Air Filter**: Check the air filter and replace if dirty.
6. **Tires**: Check tire pressure and tread wear.
7. **Battery**: Test the battery to ensure it's in good condition.
8. **Belts and Hoses**: Inspect for any wear and tear.
It's always a good idea to consult your vehicle's manual or a trusted mechanic for specific recommendations.
Comments( 4 )
سلمان خليفة2024-04-28 23:52
How much did you get it for? I just got a 2011 model with 110,000 km for 25,500. I feel like I overpaid. The maintenance cost me quite a bit since there were many parts that needed replacement.
1 replies
عمر حليم2024-04-27 10:04
I also want to get one. How much did you get it for? How's the fuel consumption? I've heard the automatic Swift has high fuel consumption?
1 replies
عبد العزيز مرشد2024-04-27 08:42
How much did you get it for? I want to get one too.
سلمان بشر2024-04-27 00:05
Transmission fluid, engine oil, oil filter, air conditioning filter, coolant, brake pads—Swift is quite durable. Just use some good fully synthetic oil.