حسين مطلب
2024-06-17 01:40
Hey everyone, I've got a 20 budget from my family. Would you recommend financing a 2.0?
Comments( 9 )
عبدالله ستار2024-08-27 23:51
Not recommended.
سلمان رياض2024-08-22 22:03
You're willing to buy this at 20? I only bought a Land Cruiser at 30.
علي عبد الرحمن2024-08-21 12:45
Buying a Supra is no better than just buying a BMW. Honestly, the 3.0T engine is just a repackaged Z4, or to put it bluntly, a repackaged 2 Series. Now you understand why this car depreciates so quickly, right? 🤦♂️
حسين ربيع2024-08-17 09:47
The Supra offers low value for money; the 86 is much cheaper and more fun.
نايف تاج2024-07-09 08:44
Save some for later.
خالد فاتح2024-06-28 14:29
If you have around 20, why not consider a used BRZ if you really want to play with a sports car?
عبد العزيز رامي2024-06-28 12:30
If you don't have the spare cash to buy it outright, I feel like you shouldn't go for it. It's neither stable nor practical.
عبدالرحمن ظافر2024-06-28 08:06
[I'm speechless][I'm speechless][I'm speechless] How dare someone buy a Supra 20 times?
3 replies
سعود حجاج2024-06-22 18:41
In my opinion, unless you have the extra money to buy it outright, don't go for it. It's neither stable nor practical.