When decelerating at speeds of 20-30 km/h in a 2011 Nissan Sunny with a CVT transmission, there's a noticeable jerking sensation. It doesn't glide smoothly when you let off the throttle.
Comments( 5 )
سلمان مبارك2024-08-13 23:50
Is it a CVT? Mine had the same issue last year and it could only go 10 mph. Went to the repair shop and it turned out the transmission belt was broken. Got it replaced and everything was fine.
سلمان حافظ2024-04-03 08:58
Is there any solution? I have the same car as you and I'm also experiencing this issue.
1 replies
علي صعدة2020-05-22 10:12
It's quite normal for a CVT transmission to exhibit this behavior during low-speed deceleration, especially in older cars. I would personally suggest changing the transmission fluid to see if it helps.
خالد ستار2020-05-22 10:08
The 2011 Nissan Sunny can experience a jerking sensation when decelerating at speeds between 20 to 30 km/h. This could be due to an issue with the transmission or a potential error in the system's recognition.
1 replies
سلمان أنور2020-05-22 10:08
Normally, when you're in drive gear and release the accelerator, the car will continue to coast for a while at a relatively high speed. If yours doesn't, you might want to check if there's an issue with the transmission. However, the coasting distance isn't very far.