I have a question for fellow car enthusiasts: Does the active braking on the BYD Song Plus EV only work in Intelligent Pilot or Adaptive Cruise Control mode? I carefully tried manual driving while following closely, and even when I was about to hit something, there was no response (speed above 30). However, it works well in Intelligent Pilot or Adaptive Cruise modes. Is this normal?
Comments( 5 )
أكبر عبد العزيز2024-11-22 21:05
Go to the store for a check-up.
عبدالرحمن صالح2024-11-21 23:18
The response is too sensitive when reversing, and it often brakes suddenly, giving me a scare.
محمد لحود2024-11-20 18:02
It seems to be between 60 and 140.
عبدالرحمن عبد الناصر2024-11-19 11:11
The automatic braking is always active. I've experienced it two or three times already.
1 replies
نايف مبارك2024-11-19 02:56
It seems like it reacts at around 50 km/h. I've had it trigger twice and it gave me quite a scare.