Which one do you recommend, Sonata or Magotan 380?
Comments( 8 )
أحمد باسل2024-12-01 19:46
The Sonata's transmission is durable and its safety is high; the Magotan feels a bit more stable at high speeds.
عبد العزيز شرف2024-12-01 17:14
The body strength of the Sonata is probably not as high as that of the Magotan.
نايف هاماوي2024-12-01 16:18
It's already at 380, definitely the Magotan.
نايف سليم2024-12-01 14:00
I've test-driven them all, and honestly, there's not much difference in terms of noise insulation and chassis. The Sonata is still the more affordable option. 😄
عبدالله فخر دين2024-12-01 11:36
The noise level in the Magotan is quite high [I just want some peace and quiet]. I'm not sure if it's because of the road I test drove on, or if that's just how the car is.
محمد نبراس2024-12-01 09:23
Personally, I think if you couldn't afford the 380 at the time, you would go for the Sonata 1.5T. If it's 280, choose the 1.5T Sonata; for 330, go for the 2.0T Sonata. But if it's 380, definitely go for the 380. Just my opinion.
جابر سلمان2024-11-30 22:06
Actually, Volkswagen isn't that great either; it doesn't sell as well as Sonata in the U.S.
حسن ميثا2024-11-30 17:03
It depends on whether your budget is around 150,000 or 200,000.