When you're driving at night with the windows closed, can you see clearly through the rearview mirror? I can only see the lights clearly, but cars, electric bikes, and pedestrians seem blurry. The mirror is only a little dirty, not sure if it's an issue with the film. 🤦♂️
Comments( 7 )
طارق فهد2024-12-02 10:07
Remove the film, and I am...
نايف داود2024-12-01 19:11
As a seasoned driver, I never apply film on the side or front windows. Clear visibility is more important. 😄
سلمان ق2024-11-27 09:28
The film is terrible, confirmed.
عبد العزيز تميمي2024-11-27 08:07
The front window has a film that's the same as the front windshield, and the rear window has a dark film. It's perfect.
حسن ميثا2024-11-26 21:18
It's better to change the front side windows, especially the front row, to a lighter tint.
عبدالله عيسى2024-11-26 19:30
If you feel unsafe, just change the film.
حسن سعد2024-11-26 19:02
I previously had a film applied at a 4S shop, and they didn't leave the triangular windows uncovered. At night, I couldn't see anything in the rearview mirror. Later, I removed the film and replaced it with another one, and it was much better.