I've heard that the Sonata 2.0 has high fuel consumption. How many liters per 100 kilometers does it use?
Comments( 6 )
عبد العزيز تميمي2024-11-14 21:26
If you care about fuel consumption, go for the 1.5. I commute 18 kilometers, with 10 kilometers on the elevated road, and average less than 6 liters.
عبدالله نور الدين2024-11-14 20:13
About 15 liters of fuel is used for short distances in the city, around 5 kilometers. I've driven over 6000 kilometers already.
محمد ياسر2024-11-14 19:36
2.0 commute 11, highway 6.
خالد عبد له2024-11-14 18:34
If you care about fuel economy and have a 1.5 engine, the power isn't bad.
حسن ميثا2024-11-11 12:06
It depends on how you drive and what kind of roads you're on, there's no standard answer. But if you're looking for a fuel-efficient 2.0T high-power gasoline mid-size car, that's not realistic. It's already good if it runs on 92 octane fuel.
سعود جعفري2024-11-11 11:51
In the city, just driving around starts at 11 [liters per 100 kilometers], and on the highway, it's a bit better at around five to six.