Choosing between the Sonata and the Magotan B9 380 Premium Edition can be tough. You were ready to go with the Sonata, but your family thinks it's too niche and might not last long. It's a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of both models and consider factors like brand reputation, features, and personal preferences.
Comments( 9 )
محمد نبراس2024-11-22 16:26
If it's the 380, then definitely the 380 is better. I bought the 1.5 Sonata instead of the Magotan because the Magotan 280 at the same price had too low a configuration. The 380 has all the necessary features, and the Volkswagen brand is very strong. If your family can get the 380, go for the 380. But if it's the 280 or 330, you can still consider the Sonata. [Heart]
فهد مطلب2024-11-22 14:08
I'm 22 now and want to buy a car that's a one-time purchase, suitable for driving until I get married, for about five to ten years.
حسن ميثا2024-11-22 12:11
When it comes to buying a car, the biggest fear is spending money on a so-called "good car" that others rave about.
3 replies
نايف ميمون2024-11-22 01:10
Must be the Magotan 380, it's absolutely perfect. [I want to be alone]
عبدالله محسن2024-11-22 00:12
Buying a car is for yourself, so choose the one you like.
علي شخبوط2024-11-21 23:32
As long as you like it, don't follow the trend. The appearance of the Magotan is too flashy.
حسن هلال2024-11-21 22:56
Even with the top configuration, the Magotan is tens of thousands more expensive [I want to be alone], yet it has less horsepower than Hyundai.
عبدالرحمن نور2024-11-21 21:48
Niche vehicles are great; I haven't seen a single one in my small town, so it's unique. 😄 Check out the actual car and experience the driving feel—it's not bad. Of course, if your budget allows, going for the Magotan 380 is more prestigious. 😄
1 replies
فهد طه2024-11-21 20:13
What else would you choose instead of Volkswagen in the north? Do you even need to ask? [I just want some peace]