محمد هكيل
2024-01-31 21:57

What's the actual fuel consumption of the Sienna Hybrid?

Comments( 14 )

سلمان تاج
سلمان تاج2024-11-22 14:15
I've had my car for four months. For the first three months, the fuel consumption was between 5.5 to 6. Now it's 7.5 to 8. What could be the reason?
1 replies
عبدالرحمن هكيل
عبدالرحمن هكيل2024-02-16 12:21
How far can you go on a full tank?
عبدالرحمن أشرف
عبدالرحمن أشرف2024-02-16 01:22
At a speed of around 130 km/h, a full tank gives a range of less than 900 km, with a calculation of 68/9=7.56. The display shows an average of 6.7 for a total of 4500 km.
عبدالرحمن نور
عبدالرحمن نور2024-02-15 22:35
Many Toyota hybrid models tend to have optimistic fuel consumption displays. Depending on city or highway driving conditions, you might need to add about 0.5-1.8 liters to the displayed value to get the actual fuel consumption. Many car reviewers have tested this; you can search for their reviews to check.
حسن له
حسن له2024-02-15 17:12
6-8 liters
باسل عبدالله
باسل عبدالله2024-02-12 16:52
Just got it on the 7th, currently shows 7.4L. First tank of fuel [laughing crying emoji]
نايف بلال
نايف بلال2024-02-12 08:59
6 units, 0.5 currency per kilometer 🌹
عبدالله مطلب
عبدالله مطلب2024-02-09 14:52
Depending on your driving style, if you like rapid braking and acceleration on smooth roads, the fuel consumption is around 6 to 7 liters. In traffic jams, it’s about 7 to 8 liters. For those who drive gently, it’s 4 to 5 liters, and in traffic, it’s 5 to 6 liters. The biggest influence is temperature; in winter, using the heater increases fuel consumption by at least 1 liter. For short trips, it doubles.
فهد محمد
فهد محمد2024-02-08 21:41
20,000 kilometers, average fuel consumption around 6 liters per 100 km, 90% of the distance on highways, mostly using adaptive cruise control.
عبدالله زايد
عبدالله زايد2024-02-08 09:04
Summer 5.5, Winter 6