أحمد أمين
2021-05-12 17:59

Does the Sharan consume engine oil? I'm considering buying a 2014 2.0T Comfort version of the Sharan!

Comments( 18 )

ميك محمد
ميك محمد2023-08-08 15:21
I've been driving my 2013 Sharan for 10 years now, and it hasn't consumed any engine oil.
1 replies
عبدالله صارم
عبدالله صارم2023-07-27 20:20
Where in Shaanxi can you add an electric door to a Sharan?
عبدالرحمن مبارك
عبدالرحمن مبارك2023-07-26 22:26
2018 model does not burn engine oil.
نايف محملة
نايف محملة2023-07-21 17:21
The 1.4T Sharan shouldn't have an oil consumption issue, especially models from 2016 onwards.
سعود عمار
سعود عمار2023-03-16 10:53
My car from 2014 doesn't consume oil.
أحمد سليم
أحمد سليم2023-03-09 01:07
The 2014 Sharan is equipped with the second-generation EA888 engine, which is known to consume oil.
نايف حارث
نايف حارث2023-01-24 12:03
2016 model, 2.0T, driven 60,000 km, doesn't burn oil, second generation EA888.
1 replies
حسن حرب
حسن حرب2023-01-20 11:27
Proper maintenance prevents oil burning.
أنيس سلمان
أنيس سلمان2023-01-12 19:55
Registered in 2015, 2.0T with 130,000 km. It burns less than 0.5 liters of engine oil. Turbocharged cars will generally have this issue. It mainly depends on how the driver operates it.
1 replies
إبراهيم عمر
إبراهيم عمر2021-07-19 06:37
I bought a used 2012 model Sharan 2.0T last June. It consumes 1 liter of engine oil every 5,000 kilometers. The repair shop says it doesn't count as oil burning, and there are no other issues.