أحمد جعفر
2023-04-22 18:53
Where can the 2023 Toyota Sequoia be localized into Chinese?
Comments( 4 )
محمد نور الدين2023-07-06 12:34
Has the Brother instrument been localized into Chinese? I want to do the localization too.
2 replies
أحمد مكي2023-05-02 23:18
Is the full-time system 4WD?
1 replies
فهد أنور2023-04-25 21:06
Are you referring to the navigation system or the instrument panel? The instrument panel cannot be localized to Chinese, but a module can be added to the navigation system.
محمد قادر2023-04-24 17:42
Translation is not available, you can only add a module.