Is it normal for the fuel consumption of the Cetus to start at 23L/100km and then gradually decrease to around 7L/100km after driving a few kilometers?
Comments( 6 )
عمر ممدوح2024-06-14 11:02
That's normal, it's always like this when you first start. In the city, it’s around 5-7, which I find very satisfying with my [I Want to Be Quiet].
حسين دليل2024-06-09 23:06
My premium model starts with a fuel consumption of 12 liters, but after driving less than a kilometer, it drops to 4.7 liters. Usually, the fuel consumption in the city is 5 liters.
عبد العزيز وي2024-06-07 10:37
It's normal. When it's cold, some drivers start with fuel consumption over 40. After driving for a kilometer, it goes down.
خالد حكم2024-06-07 00:52
When I start, the fuel consumption is 39.9. Looking at this thing is useless.
1 replies
علي جلال الدين2024-06-06 15:06
That's normal. All fuel cars are like this.
ابراهيم خالد2024-06-06 09:32
Does your car also consume around 20 liters of fuel at startup?