How does the power of this car compare to the XRV?
Comments( 8 )
علي جلال الدين2024-08-05 08:23
The acceleration feels great when driving.
عبد العزيز اميره2024-08-04 15:11
Similar to the current version of the XR-V, it's quite different from the older 1.5L model with 131 horsepower.
سعود عبد له2023-11-30 20:48
The XRV is not good, it's just like the Fit. The Cetus has six modes.
علي عبد له2023-09-15 09:54
The XRV's direct injection engine is prone to carbon buildup, so it's necessary to regularly add fuel additives. Additionally, its 1.5 naturally aspirated engine has a particulate filter, which means you can only use low-ash engine oil. However, over time, it can still get clogged because the ash cannot be regenerated or cleaned.
3 replies
عبد العزيز وسيم2023-09-10 17:28
The XR-V is a bit shorter and doesn't look as big as this one in terms of appearance.
عبدالرحمن جواد2023-08-31 11:55
I actually test drove two cars, and there wasn't much difference in power!
1 replies
سلمان تامر2023-08-31 11:37
Judging by the data, Honda's direct injection 1.5 engine is still better.