عبد العزيز ميمون
2024-12-02 07:33

Experienced car owners, is it necessary to buy a jump starter? Can a jump starter be used when the battery is dead?

Comments( 8 )

أحمد طب
أحمد طب2024-12-02 18:57
I've been preparing for two years, but haven't used it [frustrated]. I've been using my motorcycle more.
نايف وليد
نايف وليد2024-12-02 15:32
No need, really out of power, plus the insurance company will take care of it, don't worry.
محمد نور الدين
محمد نور الدين2024-12-02 13:56
It's not necessary.
عبدالرحمن لهب
عبدالرحمن لهب2024-12-02 10:08
There is no need.
نور الدين عمر
نور الدين عمر2024-12-02 09:25
The battery can typically last 2-3 years depending on your usage habits. If you notice it's losing charge, it might be time to replace it. Personally, I don't think it's necessary, especially since insurance often covers jump-starts for free now.
حسن سعد
حسن سعد2024-12-02 08:37
Yes. Able.
علي عبد القادر
علي عبد القادر2024-12-02 08:36
I've driven over 30,000 kilometers. I really don't need it.
سعود حكم
سعود حكم2024-12-02 07:47
I haven't prepared a jump starter. Over 8,000 kilometers and haven't encountered a dead battery yet. With so many new energy Didi cars on the streets, if the battery dies, I can just call a car for a jump start. 😄