Dear fellow car enthusiasts: How do I activate the dashcam provided by the manufacturer? 🙏🙏🙏
Comments( 4 )
عبدالرحمن لهب2024-11-28 20:15
The vehicle started as soon as it was turned on.
نور الدين عمر2024-11-28 17:46
The dashcam starts as soon as the vehicle is started.
4 replies
سعود عبد عزيز2024-11-28 17:25
I didn't quite understand what you meant by "how to start." If you want to connect your phone to view dashcam videos or photos, download the Volvo on Road app and connect it to the dashcam. If you just want to turn it on or off, use the switch on the dashcam itself.
عبد العزيز خليل2024-11-28 11:58
I asked the 4S shop, and my Dingding camera, which I bought myself, automatically starts when I ignite the car.