Which one do you think is better, the S60 or the XC60? I personally like the look of the S60, but I also prefer SUVs a bit more because my family has always driven SUVs, so I'm really torn 😂
Comments( 4 )
أحمد كاظم2024-11-18 22:28
Flip a coin.
نايف وليد2024-11-18 21:36
Choose the XC60. 😁
علي حازم2024-11-18 21:33
The S60 offers better handling, but the SUV has a higher chassis, making it suitable for more road conditions. Additionally, the B5 8AT performs better...
سلمان هكيل2024-11-18 21:31
Go test drive at the dealership and see which one suits you better.