I'm genuinely asking before I book the car, does it have a lot of small issues? And is the mild hybrid system reliable? After all, it's my first car and I'll use it for a long time. Would you recommend buying it? 😣
Comments( 5 )
فهد حسين2024-11-23 19:13
It's been a year, and I haven't had any issues. The problems mentioned online haven't happened to me.
خالد ابيض2024-11-21 19:01
If you really like it, just buy it; otherwise, forget it. It's not in the category of particularly high quality.
أحمد انهايان2024-11-21 17:50
How much is it on the road?
سلمان مكي2024-11-20 08:53
If you really care about it, maybe consider looking at Japanese cars.
علي طموح2024-11-20 07:58
Every car has its own minor issues. What you've seen doesn't happen often; it's a low probability event. Just as you appreciate its strengths, you also need to be tolerant of potential faults. Best wishes! 😊