How is the fault rate of the new S60? I checked the quality feedback, and there seems to be a lot. I'm considering buying it, but I'm worried about encountering issues. I'm so conflicted. Any advice from the experts?
Comments( 10 )
علي طموح2024-11-20 08:02
The reason for your dilemma is that you really like this car, but you're worried that the issues others have faced might happen to you. You're also concerned that all those low-probability events might occur to you as well. [I want some peace and quiet]
1 replies
بكر عبد العزيز2024-11-19 09:57
Minor issues are fine; it's the problems you can't fix yourself that are a real pain.
سعد علي2024-11-19 08:47
After browsing the BBA forum, you'll find yourself not knowing which car to buy anymore [I just want some peace].
فهد ثاني2024-11-18 21:59
I just checked out the reviews on Car Quality Network about the Volvo S60, and it's amazing!
حسن ليث2024-11-18 16:04
There is no perfect car.
حسين مهدي2024-11-18 14:38
Volkswagen has high sales, but there's always something to fix [I want some peace]. If it's something you like, even if it gives you trouble, you're still happy [Yeah].
علي مستعصم2024-11-18 14:11
After checking out feedback on various issues, the conclusion is that there are no reliable cars to buy. [Yeah]
عبدالرحمن عَبْدُ الله2024-11-18 14:06
Any car can have issues; sometimes, it just comes down to luck.