حسن دل
2024-11-30 19:27
For a family of three, with heights around 190cm and 170cm, will the space be uncomfortable?
Comments( 9 )
علي يحيى2024-12-02 21:28
The rear is relatively small, and the driver's cabin is passable.
سلمان جم دين2024-12-02 08:14
Dude, have you mutated into a southerner? So tall [I need some quiet time]
سلمان مكي2024-12-01 17:30
The space behind you is quite unfriendly.
أحمد عباد2024-12-01 16:09
Try the S90.
شاكر أحمد2024-12-01 14:08
What does height 190/170 mean? 170-190 cm? That's quite a big range, isn't it?
2 replies
سلمان يزيد2024-12-01 09:52
Definitely not, making a coupe SUV?
حسن ليث2024-11-30 22:30
The front seats are okay, but the back seats feel cramped.
عبدالرحمن عَبْدُ الله2024-11-30 20:04
If your kids are still young, the rear space should be enough. As for yourself, I'd suggest going to the store and trying it out.
حسين جواد2024-11-30 19:42
Why not go for the whole XC60? With your build, an SUV would be a better fit.