Bro, is this 48v mild hybrid reliable? I heard it costs 20k to replace.
Comments( 6 )
عمر بهاء2024-11-25 22:22
The salesman told me that it depends on my usage, and it can last about 3 to 5 years. Replacement costs around 23,000.
نايف إدريس2024-11-25 21:45
The first batch of 48V, it's been over three years now, and there are no issues so far.
خالد سعود2024-11-25 10:35
Worried about issues? Just buy an extended warranty.
سلمان مكي2024-11-25 08:05
The driving experience is okay. Replacing it indeed requires 20,000 (for the original part). I've been using it for more than 2 years and have driven 30,000 km. So far, there haven't been any issues.
حسن ابراهيم2024-11-24 23:08
Reliable, smooth start.
عبدالرحمن عَبْدُ الله2024-11-24 23:04
It's been two years, and there haven't been any issues so far. Not sure how things will be in the long run. [I want to be alone]