عبدالله لقمان
2021-05-05 17:26

"The electronic shift backup has been activated; please service soon." This message indicates that there might be an issue with the electronic gear shifting system in your vehicle. It's recommended to have it checked and serviced by a professional as soon as possible to avoid potential problems.

Comments( 5 )

فهد جمال الدين
فهد جمال الدين2024-08-16 17:58
Disconnect a battery cable, wait five minutes, then reconnect it. That's it.
عبد العزيز لحود
عبد العزيز لحود2024-05-28 21:29
How was it solved? Please let me know.
خالد ثاني
خالد ثاني2021-08-28 06:12
Is it a 1.5T or a 2.0T?
نايف شعيب
نايف شعيب2021-08-27 22:29
Has your issue been resolved? Mine is showing the same today.
1 replies
حسين فايز
حسين فايز2021-05-05 19:24
The transmission is overheated and has activated the protection mode. Lock the car and leave it for more than ten minutes. Then try restarting it to see if it recovers.