حسن عثمان
2024-07-16 03:06
I need help with my 2019 1.5T Automatic Luxury Cabin version. I've been driving it for three and a half years, mainly in the city, and it's done over 31,000 kilometers. Recently, in the past two months, the fuel consumption has skyrocketed. When I fill up, the gauge shows 630 kilometers, but I can only actually drive just over 400 kilometers. Two months ago, I could easily drive around 550 kilometers. Does anyone know what's going on?
Comments( 5 )
حسين مسعود2024-08-01 15:28
Pushing it saves fuel.
نايف حجاج2024-07-31 21:20
Have the spark plugs been changed?
1 replies
حسين حميد2024-07-22 00:03
This car consumes a lot of fuel in the city. Try to take it on the highway when you get a chance, and avoid using engine oil that's too thick.
عبدالرحمن إسماعيل2024-07-17 20:45
I have a 2019 model 1.5T 4G Connected Luxury version. It was registered in November 2020 and has run 95,000 kilometers. I sold it yesterday and am planning to replace it with a D5X.
2 replies

حبيب علي2024-07-17 11:01
I cleaned the throttle body and added a fuel additive, and the car accelerates better now.