Which one to choose between RX300 and NX350h? Both have minor drawbacks. The RX is great overall, but it comes with a 9.8-inch central control screen. The NX350h is also great, but the switch from hydrogen battery to ternary lithium battery is a bit off-putting. Any advice from everyone?
Comments( 5 )
سلمان زيد2024-11-10 01:50
They're not even in the same league.
عمر زبيدي2024-10-11 13:43
Nickel-metal hydride batteries are used in the fourth-generation THS hybrid. Lithium batteries are used in the fifth-generation THS hybrid. The soon-to-be-upgraded ES will also feature lithium batteries.
حسين ميثا2024-10-11 08:57
There's a 30 cm length difference between these two cars!
عبدالله بهاء2024-10-08 17:39
Lithium batteries don't lack power and charge/discharge quickly. The NX doesn't come with a spare tire. For driving, the NX is definitely better. If you need more passenger space, go for the RX.
حسين مكتوم2024-10-08 12:50
Then just suggest the 2023 RX350H Comfort and above, and the problem will be perfectly solved.