The RX300 AWD Enjoy Edition 2.0T engine consumes more fuel compared to the 2.5 hybrid, but it offers a more exhilarating acceleration. Looking at the discounts for the Highlander 2.0T, they are generally larger than those for the hybrid. It's estimated that the Lexus RX300 2.0T might also have a discount of around 80,000. I noticed that the hybrid financing is reduced by 10.
Comments( 6 )
عبدالله أنور2024-11-12 19:21
Discount of 80,000 until the end of next year, let's see! [Grin]
حسن عرفات2024-11-12 15:57
There is definitely no such large discount on the 300 right now.
2 replies
محمد حاتم2024-11-12 15:35
Where is there an 80,000 discount? I'll go buy it.
1 replies
سلمان هشام2024-11-12 14:04
Where is there an 80,000 discount? I'll go buy it.
1 replies
فهد فيصل2024-11-12 12:26
Filling up a 2.0T engine will make you cringe, costing no less than 0.8 yuan per kilometer. Meanwhile, a 2.5 hybrid only costs 0.4 yuan per kilometer. The difference is huge.