Hey folks, when starting the car cold and switching from P to D, the transmission makes a clunking sound. Also, when parking and switching from D to P, the car lurches forward a bit. Any idea what's causing this?
Comments( 6 )
نايف سيف2024-11-10 17:02
Even when I press the brakes hard, the brakes on this car don't work well.
علي يعقوبي2024-09-23 23:19
Try this parking sequence: first shift to N, then pull the handbrake, and finally shift to P. I used to have issues with the car lurching, but following this order solved it.
عبدالرحمن ميرزا2024-09-21 01:14
When you press the brake with your right foot and apply a little more force, it feels much better.
سعود رشيد2024-09-15 18:28
Yes, shifting to D or R gear when the engine is cold can cause the car to lurch forward. However, if you let the car idle for 2-3 minutes to warm up after starting, the issue usually resolves.
حسن بارزاني2024-09-04 23:35
Has anyone experienced the car body shaking when you shift to P gear first and then pull the handbrake on a steep slope? [I want to be alone]
أبشير محمد2024-09-04 22:54
I asked the 4S shop about this, and they said gear adhesion is a normal phenomenon.