Guys, can you still buy a new 4WD car in the domestic market now?
Comments( 6 )
علي عدي2024-03-07 10:41
By early 2023, there are no new 4WD cars available, and parallel imports can't bring them in either. 4WDs are in high demand. If you're set on needing a 4WD, then consider looking at used ones.
نايف حمدان2024-03-06 10:48
It's hard to find now.
عل عبدالله2024-03-06 07:12
There is still some hope for the 2WD, but not much.
حسن مطلب2024-03-05 10:01
It's no longer available, you can only buy second-hand. I have two Rex myself. 😄
1 replies
عبدالله مسعود2024-03-03 00:05
The new car is no longer in production. 😬
2 replies
عبد العزيز يونس2024-03-02 22:27
A little flick of the hand, and you get one point.