Can the spare tire on the RDX be replaced with a full-size rim and tire and still be installed?
Comments( 8 )
أحمد ميرزا2024-02-21 12:18
My spare tire from 2019 has never been used [I want some peace].
عبدالله مسعود2023-05-29 00:36
Can't install it, the spare tire is quite small, suitable for emergencies only. 😁
عبد العزيز يونس2023-05-28 13:13
زكريا فهد2023-05-28 11:21
I'm curious why it doesn't fit... Theoretically, the outer diameter should be the same, right? Is it just thicker than the original, making it more likely to scrape the bottom?
1 replies
سلمان ميمون2022-02-07 03:48
It should be fine. The one he has is an 18-inch one that's suspended below, so it should work.
حسن مك2022-02-03 23:04
Unable to install.
سعود ذكي2022-02-03 21:31
Me too, I want to know.
عل عبدالله2022-02-03 16:59
The original spare tire location doesn't fit, you can just throw it in the back.