While driving, I hear a buzzing noise at the bottom of the steering wheel in the driver's seat. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Has anyone experienced the same issue? How did you solve it?
Comments( 5 )
عمر توفيق2024-11-25 13:16
I am at the head unit, and there are sounds coming from the A-pillars on both sides.
عبدالله حاتم2024-11-25 13:01
Is there any noise from the right front door on bumpy roads?
عمار حسين2024-11-25 12:59
I used some tape to pad the wireless charging area today, and it worked. But I still haven't figured out where that faint buzzing sound from the driver's door is coming from.
حسين عبد عزيز2024-11-25 11:20
Didn't notice.
محمد قاسم2024-11-25 11:10
Does anyone else have the same problem? It's so annoying.