Have any fellow car enthusiasts experienced issues with the 2024 RAV4's battery draining quickly?
Comments( 6 )
سلمان كمال2024-11-25 08:12
I drove normally for dozens of kilometers on the first day, but after leaving it overnight, it wouldn't start.
عبدالله ستار2024-11-24 21:51
My car experienced a three-day power outage after running 1,000 kilometers. I'll let it sit for a few more days and see. With old cars, you could leave them parked for ten days or half a month without any worries. What have I bought here? Can I return a Toyota?
عبدالله هشام2024-11-24 18:57
A colleague's 2024 Land Cruiser Hybrid top model is also experiencing a battery drain issue, and the dealership hasn't found the reason yet.
فهد كريم2024-11-24 17:23
[I'm speechless][I'm speechless][I'm speechless] Damn, on 11/16, got the car, and within less than a week, the battery died twice. The first time, I was busy for three days and didn't drive, and it wouldn't start. Called insurance for a free jump. The second time, today, a bunch of error codes popped up, went to the shop for repair and charging [I'm speechless][I'm speechless][I'm speechless]. Then I went straight to Taobao to buy a jump starter [I'm speechless][I'm speechless]. Searched on Douyin, turns out the 2024 RAV4/Land Cruiser models all have some chance of this happening [smile][smile][smile]. So frustrating, will never buy a FAW car in the future.
فايز حسين2024-11-24 17:04
[Wǒ xiǎng jìng jìng] It seems like it's not just one model issue, the neighboring Crown has it too.
إياس عمر2024-11-24 15:46
Yes, mine does the same. If I don't use it for two days, the battery dies.