Has anyone experienced battery issues with the 2024 RAV4?
Comments( 11 )
جل حسين2024-11-27 21:32
The new car was brought home, and after just two days, the battery was dead!
إياس عمر2024-11-24 15:48
The battery drains in just two days.
سلمان جل2024-11-23 16:42
My 2017 Levin has been parked for three months without being moved, and it started up in one go. [I want to be quiet]
عمر مبارك2024-11-23 16:38
I picked up my 2024 RAV4 on October 9th and it's having a serious battery drain issue—it won't start. I haven't installed any electrical equipment. I called the manufacturer’s customer service, but it was useless. I'm going to keep filing complaints.
عبدالرحمن مستعصم2024-11-23 11:06
Everyone's talking about battery drain issues. Why not file a complaint? There are almost no related complaints on the Car Quality website.
1 replies
نايف بارزاني2024-11-22 07:32
All are at a loss.
نايف عابدين2024-11-20 22:44
Both are out of battery.
سعود حارثي2024-11-20 22:40
I haven't experienced this issue. I got the car on October 14th, and it has only 400 kilometers now.
عبد العزيز طلحة2024-11-20 22:08
How can I file a complaint? Oh, how can this be resolved?
1 replies
عبدالله ستار2024-11-20 21:57
I brought my new RAV4 home and since I got the windows tinted, I didn't drive it for three days. On the fourth day, when I was ready to drive, the battery was dead. I haven't installed any extra electronic devices. It seems like Toyota's product quality is getting worse. Is this really a special model just for China? Can someone do something about this? China isn't a country of shoddy products, right?