فهد عبد لطيف
2024-04-26 17:52

Does the 2023 Nissan Qashqai 2.0 come with a particulate filter?

Comments( 7 )

سعود اشرف
سعود اشرف2024-11-28 11:45
Yes, it must come with a particulate filter. 😊👏🤓💡🌹
حسن سلمان
حسن سلمان2024-11-28 11:42
equipped with a particulate filter
أحمد موسى
أحمد موسى2024-11-28 11:14
Everyone is wearing masks now.
فهد مكي
فهد مكي2024-11-28 10:58
The X-Trail has a particulate filter, so you basically don't have to worry about it. It's very rare for it to get clogged.
خالد أحمد
خالد أحمد2024-11-28 10:47
All equipped.
حسن زبير
حسن زبير2024-04-27 04:20
Current cars all come with
خالد نور دين
خالد نور دين2024-04-26 22:22
I want to be alone.