حسين رائد
2024-05-28 07:28
Does the 2023 Classic Comfort Edition have a particulate filter?
Comments( 4 )
سعود اشرف2024-11-28 11:50
The particle filter is standard equipment. 👏🤓💡 It's a must-have. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
أحمد موسى2024-11-28 11:13
Drive more assertively instead of being too gentle usually; it's not a big issue.
فهد مكي2024-11-28 11:00
As long as you don't drive just a few kilometers each time, a car with a particulate filter generally won't get clogged. Mine has never shown any signs of clogging.
خالد أحمد2024-11-28 10:46
Nowadays, it's common to have them.