The car makes a lot of noise when driving, not sure why.
Comments( 7 )
سعود ناصر2022-05-20 21:52
The engine is a 4-speed, and the upshifting process is long, similar to revving up in a manual transmission before shifting gears. The noise is a bit loud, and because it's a 4-speed, the engine is quite durable.
عبدالرحمن عماد2021-07-29 12:11
Hey folks, my 07 3.5 Alphard suddenly lost the reverse camera image. What's going on? Thanks.
فهد نور2021-07-27 11:32
Poor sound insulation.
عبدالرحمن عماد2021-07-22 11:52
It's not the sound of the air conditioner; it should be the engine and wind noise.
شادي سلمان2021-07-22 11:41
Is it the sound of the air conditioner?
نايف مستنصر2021-07-17 01:15
Clean the fuel line, replace the shock absorbers and control arms. It's normal for an older car.
حسن بهاء2021-07-15 12:10
It's just really big, no particular reason. The sound insulation is also average.