My Previa's remote key won't unlock the doors, even after changing the battery. What's going on? Fellow car owners, can you please advise on how to fix this? Thanks a lot!
Comments( 10 )
حسين عبد المجيد2022-12-06 15:18
Is it possible that the remote suddenly stops working?
Also, is it possible to start the engine with one button? (Probably not...)
If neither works, it might be that the wireless pairing code of the remote has failed! It's simple... Hold the remote close to the one-button start for about 10 seconds. Then, without moving the remote, press the one-button start. If the engine starts, it means it's fixed!
علي مراد2022-12-05 22:54
You didn't shift into "Park" when you got out of the car.
أحمد أمين2022-10-21 17:19
The release motor for the middle door is broken.
سعود كامل2022-07-16 01:23
My Odyssey had a problem with the key's battery. I tried using the spare key, and it worked, so I figured that was the issue.
حريري حسن2022-07-11 20:52
There is a white controller inside the door that is broken.
محمد توفيق2022-07-08 00:46
Wipe the key with alcohol.
صابر سلمان2022-07-01 06:30
Please reset the program.
عبد العزيز عامر2022-06-30 12:57
I've also had a few times where I used the mechanical key to start the car. Next time I used the remote key, everything was fine.
1 replies
حسين فخرو2022-06-29 22:14
Use the mechanical key.
نايف أسامة2022-06-29 21:03
The button on the car's remote key might be broken.