What's the real fuel consumption of the new 2.4T hybrid Prado?
Comments( 12 )
سلمان بدر الدين2024-08-11 08:20
Fuel consumption has always been kept secret, definitely not low. The official configuration list doesn't even include it [grinning].
محمد علي2024-07-03 23:34
If you can buy a car for 6.70, you probably won't care about the fuel economy, right?
عمر منذر2024-07-03 22:37
I personally think that driving on the highway the whole time gets about eight, and using it in the city is also about eight.
علي بدر الدين2024-07-03 21:42
There are so many reviewers... not a single one reviews the fuel economy.
محمد أيوبي2024-06-29 21:12
Around 12 liters.
ذكي عبدالله2024-06-28 02:19
Fuel consumption reference for the GX550h.
علي أسماء2024-06-27 00:12
Not considering plans that don't address fuel consumption and auxiliary fuel tank modifications! A small 68-liter tank.
1 replies
عبدالرحمن أيوبي2024-06-23 14:58
Normal at 11. Temperature and other conditions are fine. Off-road consumption is uncertain, use 95 grade fuel or above.
محمد فريد2024-06-22 16:00
So far, there's no fuel consumption data released. I feel like it won't be very fuel-efficient. The battery-powered architecture isn't really aimed at saving fuel. It's designed to boost power and give you a smooth driving experience without any jerking.
خالد أسامة2024-06-21 19:18
Why worry about fuel consumption when buying this car? Wouldn't it be better to just go for an electric vehicle? [I want some peace]