Hey everyone, just want to ask if the 2024 Prado has a narrow driving view and if the high hood affects visibility? I'm a bit hesitant to make a purchase.
Comments( 4 )
عبدالله فهد2024-10-29 18:26
So, when you're sitting in a Prado, you can see the roof of the car in front of you.
عبدالرحمن رائد2024-10-28 08:17
You're completely wrong about this. The visibility of this car is really, really good. Not only does it not obstruct your view, but it actually gives you a commanding view of the surroundings. You should experience it for yourself and adjust the seat. Once you sit in it, you can see every angle of the car right in front of you.
1 replies
عبدالله تميمي2024-10-28 08:08
Is it that he just wants this kind of superior feeling? With Toyota's experience and global models, rest assured.
2 replies
سلمان وحيد2024-10-27 22:19
Why don't you just go for a test drive? Even if you just visit the dealership and sit in the car to feel it yourself, you wouldn't need to ask this question, right?