سلمان يعقوبي
2021-01-18 08:56
How do I connect Bluetooth to play music in a 2011 Phaeton 3.6?
Comments( 5 )
سعود جمال الدين2021-08-01 01:36
I bought a super Bluetooth module, and now I've bought a new motherboard. I'm not sure if the previous motherboard didn't have a Bluetooth module or if it just wasn't upgraded.
2 replies
سعود حافظ2021-03-19 16:37
At that time, the Phaeton didn't really have Bluetooth, or you could say that high-end cars used CDs to match the Dynaudio system. You can buy an adapter on Taobao, plug it into the cigarette lighter, and connect it via Bluetooth.
1 replies
نايف نبراس2021-03-12 18:16
You can get a super Bluetooth module, but I haven't installed it. I'm using NetEase Cloud's cigarette lighter Bluetooth connection, but there's noise, so I don't recommend it.
سعود قنصوح2021-01-21 09:21
The person upstairs is probably right, because I couldn't find the Bluetooth either. 🤔
نايف نجيب2021-01-19 10:14
No Bluetooth, original CD.