سلمان خالد
2021-04-24 17:28
Hello, is the 3.0 V6 naturally aspirated engine underpowered?
Comments( 5 )
سلمان قنصوح2021-06-06 14:46
I suggest you add two turbochargers.
عبدالله ياسر2021-05-03 23:37
It's indeed quite sluggish, but if you press the accelerator pedal deeply, it's not too bad.
حسين حمزة2021-05-01 08:03
It's a bit sluggish, but it's enough. It's not like I'm street racing all the time.
سلمان جلال الدين2021-04-24 22:29
This car with a 2.0T engine is already sufficient. I've had it for less than half a year and got two traffic violations, both for speeding!
1 replies
خالد هارون2021-04-24 19:09
With this kind of demand for meat, I suggest you drive a tank.