تركي سلمان
2022-11-07 22:28

Why does my Kia Pegas consume 10 liters per 100 km in the city with 100 currency units for 100 kilometers, even without using the air conditioning?

Comments( 7 )

حسن مدرسي
حسن مدرسي2022-12-22 01:03
The tire pressure is enough or not?
خالد فواز
خالد فواز2022-12-13 03:36
Another question is whether the gas station filled up the tank for you.
1 replies
عبدالله زيد
عبدالله زيد2022-12-12 10:01
Manual transmission, in the first year the car's fuel consumption was 5.5 L/100km in the city and 4.4 L/100km on the highway. With a full tank, it would light up at 650 km in the city. In the second year, the fuel consumption increased because of slow acceleration. I like to drive fast, so I always have a heavy foot on the gas pedal. Now it's 7 L/100km in the city, and the light comes on at 500 km with a full tank.
عبد العزيز سلمان
عبد العزيز سلمان2022-11-15 16:05
Have you done the maintenance yet?
2 replies
علي حبيب
علي حبيب2022-11-13 17:39
I never exceeded 7.
1 replies
أحمد إسحاق
أحمد إسحاق2022-11-09 12:07
Is yours a 1.4 or 1.6, automatic or manual transmission?
2 replies
علي نور دين
علي نور دين2022-11-08 09:41
Normally, like you said, driving around the city.