سعود حسين
2023-06-08 21:55
How does the Kia Pegas perform on the highway? Is the chassis stable?
Comments( 5 )
نايف طل2024-07-29 04:51
I've also gone up to 160 km/h. It's okay on flat roads, but it feels a bit unstable when going over bridges.
سعود خد2024-06-10 21:57
If you go over 120, it starts to feel a bit unstable, especially if you haven't put some weight in the trunk.
عبد العزيز دليل2024-02-14 23:36
I have driven at 160 km/h and didn't feel any instability.
2 replies
سلمان مستعصم2024-01-04 11:58
I don't even flinch at 130.
عبد العزيز علياء2023-06-09 01:37
120Km/h, no problem, stable. But it doesn't have L2 full-speed range adaptive cruise control, K3 does.
2 replies