نايف جلال الدين
2024-10-17 20:30
Do I need to change the transmission oil for my 2020 automatic Kia Pegas that has only run 20,000 kilometers? Fellow car owners, at what mileage do you all change your transmission oil?
Comments( 4 )
سعود معتصم2024-11-27 15:43
Don't change it, why spend that money?
عمر أسد2024-11-26 13:21
I've reached 80,000 km, and I haven't changed it yet.
عبدالرحمن حافظ2024-11-15 16:55
Don't worry about changing at 120,000 km for a 4AT.
علي هشام2024-10-21 08:01
Don't change it, seems like it can last a lifetime.
2 replies