What impact does changing to a silicone oil fan have on a Patrol?
Comments( 6 )
سلمان حمزة2021-02-21 21:54
No problem, I've made the changes.
عبدالله ميسور2021-02-21 16:07
No, because I simply can't afford it.
مجدي أحمد2021-02-21 11:30
It's originally a silicone oil fan, and I haven't modified it yet. I just learned that after modification, the roaring sound is quite appealing, and it doesn't overheat as easily when dune bashing. However, some people say that after modification, the roaring sound is too loud. So I'm a bit conflicted.
حسين شادي2021-02-20 13:30
It already has a silicone oil fan, just tuned differently from Toyota. Sometimes it also roars when starting up. [Facepalm]
4 replies
فهد حارث2021-02-19 10:21
The sound is nice.
محمد ابيض2021-02-19 07:37
It doesn't affect the car at all, and the sound when starting the car is really pleasant. Many friends around me have done modifications like this.