How do you guys get insurance for the Patrol 4.0? I'm thinking about getting one and driving a few thousand kilometers a year. The insurance for the Patrol seems really expensive. Do you all get comprehensive coverage? Any advice from the pros? 😁😁
Comments( 7 )
خالد فخر دين2024-04-24 16:55
Is there a Patrol? [I want to be alone]
سلمان بدر2024-03-25 00:34
The vehicle and vessel tax is still 3,000.
فهد جليل2024-03-20 19:08
Didn't buy car damage insurance [grin]
علي صادق2024-03-08 15:54
With a budget of 8,000 to 9,000, everything is covered including vehicle damage.
عبدالرحمن إياس2024-03-06 01:18
If you're considering buying a Patrol, don't worry about fuel consumption and insurance costs. If these things matter to you, I'd advise you to stay away from the Patrol. [I want to be alone]
نبراس عبد العزيز2024-03-05 02:47
The used Nissan Patrol offers great value for money now.
خالد نظيف2024-02-29 19:40
You've already bought the car, so why worry about a few thousand for insurance?