سلمان سامر
2024-12-05 20:11
25 outstanding Dragon Shine with 19.5% interest, is it expensive? [Crying][Crying][Crying][Crying]
Comments( 4 )
علي قادر2024-12-05 22:02
It's too expensive. With interest, it's around 19. Try to negotiate it down to below 19.
سعود حجاج2024-12-05 21:19
It's expensive.
محمد زاهر2024-12-05 21:18
That's expensive, isn't it?
نايف يونس2024-12-05 21:18
Whether it's the outstanding model or the pro Longyao, there's not much difference. With financing and interest, don't exceed 18.4. By the end of the year, not many dealerships can meet the annual sales targets set by the manufacturers. Failing to meet these targets directly affects the rebates and discounts they receive from manufacturers. Salespeople are trying to make as much as they can, but they are actually quite anxious. Keep your money in your pocket and stay calm.
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