The couple doesn't often drive their parents. They plan to buy a Cayenne in 2028 before having children. Should they choose a 911 or a Panamera at this stage?
Comments( 9 )
فهد أسد2024-10-25 03:16
If you have kids, why consider a Cayenne? Just go for a Range Rover!
نايف شعيب2024-10-18 22:32
محمد ميثا2024-10-06 17:57
Choose Koenigsegg and cherish these two years.
فهد راضي2024-09-27 21:55
I'm planning to change my car and I'm considering the 911. I have two kids though, so I chose the Panamera. But, of course, the 911 definitely looks cooler.
حسين فهد2024-09-27 16:19
If you're already considering the Cayenne, then just go for the Cayenne. 😊
خالد عفان2024-09-27 13:42
If you're really not planning to have kids soon, then go for the 911.
عبدالرحمن عزيز2024-09-25 18:30
The 911 is so cool!
عبد العزيز فريدة2024-09-24 19:55
It depends on your purpose and budget. The Panamera has stronger overall attributes, while the 911 is purely for personal enjoyment.
4 replies
حسين أكرم2024-09-24 18:41
It's hard to say if we'll even be able to have kids by then [I need some quiet time].