Seeking advice on buying a car. Currently driving a Mercedes E-Class. My business is stable, earning 20,000 daily, working all year round. I’d like to ask about the comfort level of the Porsche Panamera Executive compared to the Mercedes E-Class. I'm only 35, and moving to a Mercedes S-Class feels like admitting I'm getting old. I value comfort a lot, and buying two cars seems too wasteful.
Comments( 12 )
نايف حمزة2024-11-04 11:47
Cullinan Direct Translation
نايف إسماعيل2024-11-04 11:36
Go for it, what are you waiting for? Earn 20,000 a day.
عبدالرحمن خد2024-11-01 09:56
If you're earning over 700+ annually, is there really a need to think about it? Just get both. [I need some peace]
عبد العزيز اميره2024-10-26 03:21
If you're feeling lazy while driving, go for a Mercedes. That kind of effortless comfort is quite nice. Porsche, on the other hand, is sporty and makes you want to speed up automatically.
حاتم عبدالرحمن2024-10-26 00:12
In your situation, you can only choose between the A8 and the S. You have no other options.
عمر بلال2024-10-25 20:39
Bentley [Thumbs up]
راضي فهد2024-09-28 08:22
If you're making 20,000 a day, shouldn't you be buying a Ferrari or Bentley?
نايف موجا بطاقة تعريف2024-09-02 10:58
With that income, you wouldn't have such poor understanding. 😊😊😊
1 replies
سعود شعيب2024-09-01 23:25
Consider the Flying Spur~ 😁
فهد طارق2024-08-30 11:10
I don't think these two are comparable, right? If you're really looking for comfort and like Mercedes, with this income, I'd really suggest a Maybach.