I'm considering getting a Stage 1 tune for my newly acquired 2024 Porsche Panamera to boost its performance a bit. I know this might affect the warranty. If I wait and do it after three years, would that be okay? Is a Stage 1 tune recommended? Will it affect the car's longevity? I plan to keep this car for quite a while.
Comments( 8 )
خالد قابوس2024-10-29 18:33
Don't keep refreshing, just buy another Xiaomi SU7.
1 replies
حسن ياسر2024-10-28 05:51
Borrowing this post to ask, where can I get the 2023 model tuned to stage one? Any reliable recommendations?
حسين لاويل2024-10-22 18:45
Can't brush, just wait.
محمود عبد العزيز2024-10-19 21:49
The 2024 model's ECU probably hasn't been cracked yet, so it's likely not flashable.
نايف رمضان2024-10-13 23:51
No problem at the first level.
خالد حسين2024-10-13 22:53
I wonder if the 25 model will have a 4S version. [I need some quiet time]
1 replies
إلياس فهد2024-10-12 22:25
Honestly, the power is really lacking. (I just want to be alone)