يزيد سعود
2019-11-17 11:12
What is the difference in fuel consumption between the V97 and the V93?
Comments( 6 )
حسين مسعود2023-08-07 10:29
Maximum 3 liters of oil.
خالد نوح2023-07-10 20:50
How do you feel overall?
سلمان أيوبي2019-11-26 14:02
About 2 liters difference. My '97 averages 17 liters in the city, and my father-in-law's '93 averages 15 liters. On the highway, at 100 km/h, the fuel consumption is almost the same. At 120 km/h, the '97 uses about 1 liter more than the '93, but the power is consistent. I suggest getting the '97, there's not much difference.
فهد نجيب2019-11-20 16:51
In city driving, the V93 gets about 13.5 without traffic and around 17 with traffic. On the highway, it achieves about 11.5. I haven't driven the V97.
1 replies
عبدالرحمن شاكر2019-11-20 15:18
Two or three, I guess.

عبدالرحمن علياء2019-11-17 11:35
As far as I know, the fuel consumption of the V93 is slightly lower. The difference in fuel consumption between the two cars is about two liters. The exact fuel consumption depends on factors like who's driving and the condition of the car.