أحمد حافظ
2023-05-11 02:43
Comparing the V93 and the 4.0 Prado of the same year, which one is faster on the highway?
Comments( 4 )
حسين ظافر2023-05-21 15:52
Off-road vehicles are mainly designed for off-roading, power, and good passability. If you're looking for speed, that's more the domain of sedans or sports cars.
حسن فريد2023-05-11 20:00
The High-speed 4.0 is definitely better.
أحمد حافظ2023-05-11 10:13
I'm torn between buying the V93 or the 4.0 Prado. [I want some peace]
خالد رمضان2023-05-11 02:57
Prado has more power, but bro, comparing off-road vehicles based on speed isn't really appropriate, right?