When the window glass in the Outlander's cabin is lowered and the door is closed with a bang, what's going on?
Comments( 6 )
بوتفليقة عمر2024-08-07 12:07
Design flaw, install the rubber strip.
فهد بشار2024-08-07 10:49
I've experienced the same thing. Closing the doors gently when getting in and out can extend their lifespan. 😄 This is from personal experience. Also, driving on rough roads a lot can have an impact too.
حسين هكيل2024-08-06 11:37
The glass holder inside the car door is loose. You should find a repair shop to take it apart and have a look. It's best to apply some glue, otherwise it might fall again. I had the same issue, and applying some glue solved it. It won't affect any future repairs or replacements.
عبدالرحمن أبشير2024-08-01 15:02
I have the same issue. I'm worried and thinking about getting it repaired. Also, when driving at speed, if I open either of the two rear windows, there's a loud, ear-piercing noise.
2 replies
محمد حسين2024-07-21 20:28
The screw is loose.
محمد سعد2024-07-21 19:27
Mine is like this too. At this price range, don't expect too much. [I want to be alone][I want to be alone]